Well, K has outgrown her Winnie the Pooh sleeper. It was a great little outfit, but she is just getting to be such a big girl that we have to graduate to something bigger. I really wanted to put a post to let everyone know how she is doing. It has been awhile since I put an update about how she is doing healthwise. She has had a little cold for a few days now, but she is getting better. We go on Monday to meet with the doctors at Shriner's for an x-ray. She had met with her physical and occupational therapists and the physical therapist wanted us to get a cervical spinal x-ray before she started doing some intensive stretches on K's neck. This is a precautionary measure, but one we wanted to get done as soon as possible. Because we will be there on Monday, they have already scheduled us to meet with K's surgeon (the one who will be doing the surgeries on her hand). We don't know what all will happen on that day, but we hope that they might give us some more answers on her surgeries and when we can schedule the first one. It is hard to believe that we are creeping up on a year already! She is growing so fast that sometimes it feels like I have blinked and she grew an inch! Right now she is sleeping on grandmom, which I think is something that grandmom is enjoying immensely!
Aunt Amy is going to Toccoa Falls College now and so mom and dad came up here to drop her off. Pray for them because this is going to be an adjustment. Their new house is pretty much finished so they may be moving in this next week! That means Christmas for K in a brand new house. One ready for her to demolish:) Of course, she is such an angel she would never dream of doing such a thing. We will keep all of you posted as to how Monday's appointment goes. Thank you for your prayers!
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