Thursday, April 26, 2007


Here is K tackling daddy. He never knew what hit him.
This was the first day K was standing up when we went it to get her in the morning. I should point out that she is in the brace and standing up in the crib. That takes some major skill.
Side view of her in her leopard outfit. I tried to teach her to meow, but it didn't work. Maybe next year. Definitely know what she is going to be dressed up as someday. Complete with little black nose, whiskers, and cute little ears.
My students pointed out earlier that she was wearing sunglasses for adults and so we had to purchase some eyewear that was more "age appropriate." She'll actually leave these on for quite some time. She must know she looks really hip.
Words can't express how much we love this little girl. Surgery comes up on May 8th, but until then we are just "chillin'." Here K is relaxing in her recliner. She lives a very rough life.

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