Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Reflections of a Year

At the end of every year, I like to reflect on the events of that year. This year has been one of the most different years we have ever had. We started the year out with K turning one year old and she spent that day celebrating with her second cast, which she of course threw off. February Nate resigned from the church and became a stay-at-home dad. He did a wonderful job and we prepared to move to Alabama. No jobs, no home, but we were doing it anyway. People say walking by faith is difficult and they are not lying.
I finished up the school year in Georgia and then we moved to Alabama, still with no jobs. Our house is still on the market and we are still waiting on what to do with that. We got to Alabama and Nate did get a job and I am teaching at the school I graduated from. God provided for us and we are constantly reminded that He is going to take care of us.
It has been a difficult year because K was put in a scoliosis brace and her asthma has been acting up, which makes it difficult for her to remain in the brace due to breathing issues. It is hard to know we have a house that is empty in Georgia, but God can sell a house even in the worst of markets.
I guess the purpose of this reflection is to remind me of the many blessings we have. K turns two this month and I am reminded that every year is a great year because of her. Nate and I are constantly amazed at how beautiful she is becoming and we know that God has given us a great responsibility in making sure she is cared for in the way He would want. I hope that all of you will reflect on your year and realize that you are blessed in so many ways. Even the worst situations could be even more difficult. Happy New Year to all of you!!!

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